Use "can|could" in a sentence

1. GapFillDragAndDrop_MTYzNTE= Ability: can and could 2

2. we could make dead classes come alive, we could reignite imaginations, and we can change education.

3. What Could Cause Constipation? Constipation can be of different kinds

4. Although great Auks could not fly, the living species can

5. 23 Nothing can not pass, but could not go home.

6. You could think of it cool if you can stand back.

7. Could you sort out the toys that can be thrown away?

8. For example, you could say: “I can see you’re upset, Mom.

9. What purpose could we have for a dinosaur that can camouflage?

10. Can we rise to such a dispassionate judgement? Not many could.

11. He can trespass, he can burgle, he could walk through a cordon of policemen as easy as me or you could give the slip to a blind man!

12. There could be a last minute snafu that only you can handle.

13. If Liddy and Leary could wed professionally, so can Falwell and Flynt.

14. If Hariri can deliver the goods, it could soon look whole again.

15. For example, you could create a rod that can easily be placed inside water bottles for individual use or you could create a porous filter that can filter water for families.

16. Yet, could it be that Jesus can provide immediate relief in this case?

17. 19 You can probably think of other situations that could arise suddenly, unexpectedly.

18. If vets can get close enough, they could test the animal for rabies.

19. Can you imagine a drug that could revitalise cancer patients and reverse Alzheimer's?

20. And you could see it' s napalm cannister, because you can tell ' em

21. What does Could mean? The definition of Could is often used in the place of "can" to show a little doubt

22. We do everything we can to avoid things that could cause us to die.

23. If a child can open them more than four inches he could fall out.

24. The US dollar could Collapse by the end of 2021 and the economy can

25. Sir, could you please start the tractor so we can get out of here?

26. Prenatal care can alert trained personnel to situations that could make special care necessary.

27. Higher quality components , for example , can help tease out better photos , but they could also cost more , which could lead to a marginally pricier camera .

28. Definition of Could past tense of can —used in auxiliary function in the past We found we Could go., in the past conditional We said we would go if we Could., and as an alternative to can suggesting less force or certainty or as a polite form in the present If you Could come, we would be pleased

29. Could we have a meeting so we can firm up the details of our agreement?

30. But government also can protect people in ways that earlier generations could not have envisioned.

31. Ethereal Cossets is where you can find the sweetest shihtzu your child could ever have

32. From his Godlike prominence, Ward could see the truth: Athens can not outlast the barbarians.

33. Can you advise me on how I could repair a chip in its outer rim?

34. Any disease that could lead to fluid accumulation in the peritoneal cavity can cause Ascites

35. This is a trick that none of our ancestors could do, and that no other animal can do quite like we can.

36. It's the whitest, frothiest Blossomest blossom that ever could be, and I can see it

37. You can produce a Bibliographical essay on virtually any topic you (or I) could imagine

38. A spark can ignite this gas, producing an explosion that could shower you with corrosive acid.

39. Could I rightly be using and selling betel nut, knowing the harm that it can do?

40. If we could get on the radio... we can ask flying corp to shoot her down.

41. Will, shall, would, should, can, could, may, might, ought to, must, need are called Modal Auxiliaries.

42. But they could, of course, take it to indicate that they can trample all over you.

43. Could verb (CAN) A2 past simple of "can," used to talk about what someone or something was able or allowed to do: When I was younger I Could stay up all night and not get tired.

44. Could verb (CAN) A2 past simple of "can", used to talk about what someone or something was able or allowed to do: When I was younger I Could stay up all night and not get tired.

45. Anticogitative Perfect sea cucumber that you could! 863-758 Phone Numbers Factory waste can now commence

46. We can have in mind various places where literature could be hidden in case of need.

47. How many moments for accident can you think of that could have happened to this piece?

48. Whether these economic developments could have occurred under different political auspices can only be guessed at.

49. If I could help, you must send me your a bank card. can you send me?

50. If foot and mouth can not be contained, it could precipitate a meltdown in the industry.

51. And even if I could, it's gonna be... 4 years until a manned mission can reach me.

52. The theist can not deny that DNA replication could have come about by an exceedingly improbable chance.

53. Currency Appreciation: When a currency Appreciates, it can buy more of other currencies than it could before

54. How you could, as these go through, you actually can jam together the ATP and the ADP.

55. The present idiotic trends can not go on for ever, and there could soon be drastic changes.

56. Epinephrine can restart the beat of my heart, or it could stop a life-threatening allergic reaction.

57. If so, you could say that a bacterium can live for ever by dividing itself into infinity.

58. Various mechanisms could be involved [42]: Antidromal discharges of the central nervous system can sensitize peripheral nerves

59. How, then, could such Nativity scenes give “a more developed picture than any single gospel can give”?

60. Now, this could be happening because even simple movements by individual fish can inadvertently communicate vital information.

61. It can be autocratic and invade our privacy in ways that earlier generations could not have envisioned.

62. Could "Could" is a modal verb used to express possibility or past ability as well as to make suggestions and requests. "Could" is also commonly used in conditional sentences as the conditional form of "can."

63. We are focusing on why shame can cause anxiety and how being Brazenly Honest could reduce that anxiety

64. And you can change, and maybe together we could add up to one good parent for this baby

65. Similarly, such films could allow military aircraft to shield their electromagnetic "signatures", which can be detected via radar.

66. But all of us can appreciate the seriousness of something that could give us heart attacks or cancer.

67. If you stand with me on this, you can be the man that could take these guys down.

68. Bibliopolically Free conference line suck? Can chance make the appropriate faction in need could use far more limited

69. Drastic undercutting of the world price could precipitate an all-out price war that no one can afford.

70. So you could have something that climbs along and reads it and can output at one to one.

71. Do you think you could contrive something for hanging my clothes on until I can get a wardrobe?

72. The sarcophagus can be decorated in as much detail as you like, and could be painted quite elaborately.

73. No one knows why this association exists; fat tissue could contain more estrogen, which can stimulate cell growth.

74. I could throw a rock and hit a high- school boy who can run faster than 4:15.

75. I could throw a rock and hit a high-school boy who can run faster than 4:15.

76. If the fungus can be safely let loose one day, it could finally give kudzu the heave-ho.

77. How could she tell Beforehand that I was going to go out? Saunas can be hazardous if misused.

78. Together with this person, you can attain results far more spectacular than either of you could achieve alone.

79. All I can say having watched Torvill and Dean's peerless and emotional performances ... you could have fooled me.

80. 23 Many other examples could be cited to show that Bible reading and study can enrich your prayers.